Summer 2013

July saw two more day hikes as I continued to plan my Donut Hole Trail thru-hike. The first, on July 4th was in the Catskills up to Indian Head and one peak of the Twin mountain. This involved some time on the Devils Path trail. Aside from some steep parts and a couple of scrambles it wasn't that devilish. Due to the holiday there was no shortage of people, even the parking lot was overflowing. Here are some photos from that hike.

Looking toward Echo lake

Hudson River on the upper left

Same vantage point as above but to the south

Two days later I did a day hike on the Mid-State trail again. I started from Little Pine State Park again but headed south instead of north. This include a very steep climb up to the top of the plateau. It seems the Mid-State trail likes these steep climbs in this area. Here is a  photo from that hike.

A foot bridge over a stream

The next post will discuss the Donut Hole Trail thru-hike and those memorable experiences.